[CaBSSem] Cognition & Brain Sciences Seminar: Friday, September 27, 2024 @ 3:00 pm; Eric May (UVic)

David Medler dmedler at uvic.ca
Wed Sep 25 16:42:16 PDT 2024

The Cognition and Brain Science Seminar (CaBSSem) will take place on Friday, September 27 at 3:00pm in the Psychology Reading Room (Cornett A228) featuring recently defended (Yay!) Eric Mah.

Measuring individuals’ mental representations

Mental representations of categories and concepts play a fundamental role in most aspects of cognition, including perception, decision-making, learning and memory. However, measuring these mental representations–particularly at the individual level–is challenging. Historically, researchers have used techniques like multidimensional scaling (MDS), which produces an interpretable visualization of representational space using behavioural similarity judgements. Although a useful technique for creating aggregate representational spaces, MDS has a number of limitations. I will present PsiZ, a novel machine-learning approach that shows promise for obtaining rich individual-level representational spaces, and discuss several preliminary experiments applying this approach to individual differences in knowledge and expertise. I hope to demonstrate the utility of this method for researchers interested in individuals’ mental representations, and invite discussion and suggestions for future research and applications.

Many attend FTF, but we also livestream sessions at

For students/faculty at UVic, best practice is to launch the Zoom app and then click "Sign in with SSO" so that you access the call from the UVic Zoom.

Our new CaBSSem website is now active (https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/cabssem/) [albeit, a bit bare bones right now]

Hope to see you there!


David A. Medler, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
Associate Chair
Department of Psychology
University of Victoria

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