[CaBSSem] Cognition & Brain Sciences Seminar: Friday @ 3pm, David Hauser (Queen's University)

David Medler dmedler at uvic.ca
Thu Sep 12 15:06:58 PDT 2024

The Cognition and Brain Science Seminar (CaBSSem) will take place this afternoon at 3:00pm in the Psychology Reading Room (Cornett A228) featuring David Hauser from Queen’s University.


Psychological gaps in health decision-making: How metaphors and reasoning styles can spur suboptimal health decisions

How can we help people make better health decisions? In this talk, I illustrate psychological gaps in popular health decision-making recommendations. Specifically, I discuss how recommendations for health messaging can encourage “fighting” metaphoric frames that promote suboptimal health beliefs. And, I explain how providing the public with more information is not sufficient for improving people’s health decisions, particularly for reducing vaccine hesitancy. Overall, the talk will describe how language and reasoning impact health decision-making and will offer suggestions for how such processes could be leveraged to benefit public health.

Many attend FTF, but we also livestream sessions at

For students/faculty at UVic, best practice is to launch the Zoom app and then click "Sign in with SSO" so that you access the call from the UVic Zoom.

Hope to see you there!

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